Booz Allen Hamilton and CyberSaint provide clients with real-time insight into their cybersecurity posture

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Booz Allen Hamilton and CyberSaint have formed a strategic partnership that aligns Booz Allen’s cybersecurity consulting services with CyberSaint’s cyber and IT risk management software, providing clients with an on-demand view of their cybersecurity posture against frameworks and standards like the NIST CSF paired with credible cyber risk quantification and analytics.

Considering the fast-changing landscape of cybersecurity threats, organizations need a way to understand their cyber risks, whether that is ransomware from a criminal group or DDoS from a nation-state, and make decisions around how to manage those risks.

By taking a practitioner approach to understanding threat actor types and motivations, vulnerability opportunity, impact levels of threats, and marrying that with security control postures, Booz Allen Hamilton’s risk model, backed by CyberSaint’s software, has emerged as cyber risk assessment solution.

In leveraging this joint solution, clients will be able to quantify their cyber risk posture, know how to prioritize, decide where to take risk, and understand where they can obtain the return on investment (ROI) from their security investments to create business value.

‘We are excited to bring this powerful and scalable solution to our clients. Booz Allen’s high-fidelity risk model was designed, built, and refined over time by our team of leading cyber threat and risk modeling practitioners who have decades of experience in the Public (DoD, Intelligence Community) and Private Sectors (Fortune 500 & Global 500) advising operational and strategic decision makers. Our solution correlates the interdependencies between cyber and business risk, which is a critical component to making well-informed decisions focused on enabling and protecting an organization’s value chain,’ said Michael Vallone, Booz Allen’s Global Cyber Risk Practice Lead.

‘Whether you are a CISO or a CEO, you need a way to get real-time insight into your cybersecurity posture while quantifying risk in a transparent way for enhanced decision-making,’ said Jerry Layden, CyberSaint CEO.

‘CyberSaint’s strategic partnership with Booz Allen allows clients to gain this insight by leveraging proven, cutting-edge approaches to measuring and managing risk.’, Layden continued.

The Booz Allen Hamilton Cyber Risk Solution, powered by CyberSaint, is designed for strategic (BoD, ELT, ERM) and operational (CISO, Risk Director) stakeholders to measure, monitor, and manage their cybersecurity risks and control posture.

Answers the following questions

What are our cybersecurity risks and are they exceeding our risk appetite?

How well are we defending our organization against cybersecurity threats?

Where should we proactively improve our cybersecurity defenses?

Are we optimizing our cybersecurity resources?

Types of analytics, metrics, and visualizations used

Risk scenario-based cyber risk quantification

Cyber control effectiveness & maturity

Cyber program maturity

Scenario-based business impact analysis

Compliance to industry control frameworks

Control performance ratings

Booz Allen Hamilton


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